Saturday 20 March 2021

For The First Day Of Spring


It's the first day of Spring and I've been really excited for it. Combine that with the fact that I've missed doing posts like this lately, you end up here. None of this particularly makes sense together, but I had fun finding quotes, listening to music, and that's all that matters. On that note, if my blog does weird things at any point I'm probably playing with the settings. Just fyi.

'Pete Wyatt woke as a stranger in the world of miracles. He was neither a saint nor a pilgrim. He was just a kid waking too late in the morning in the back of a stranger's egg-yellow Mercury.' -Maggie Stiefvater (All the Crooked Saints)

'You can hear a miracle a long way after dark...' -Maggie Stiefvater (All The Crooked Saints)

'It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot 
and the wind blows cold: 
when it is summer in the light and
 winter in the shade.'
-Charles Dickens (Great Expectations)

'Is the Spring coming? He said. "What is it like?"
...It is the rain falling on the sunlight and the 
rain falling on the sunshine.'
-Frances Hodgson Burnett (The Secret Garden)

'I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it, 
the rest of me is on the draining board.'
-Dodie Smith (I Capture the Castle)

'I've been keeping up appearances all my life. Now I'm going in for realities.
Appearances can go hang!' -L.M. Montgomery (The Blue Castle) 

'In the Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.' -Margaret Atwood 

'It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folks
that keep darkness at bay.
Small acts of kindness and love.'
-J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings)

'There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.' -C.S Lewis

'Based on the way I react when toast pops out of the toaster, I will never look cool walking away from an explosion.' -Pinterest somewhere

Happy first day of Spring!


  1. All these pictures and quotes are beautiful! But I love that last quote inordinately. :)

    1. Thanks! Aren't they though? (The quotes). Same XD I couldn't resist. I should use inordinately as a descriptive word more often, it's fun.

  2. You really managed to capture Spring!
    Love the quotes and pictures!

    1. Thanks! The song made me happy and made me think of Spring so I felt really desperate to use it. Hence why I ended up trying to do something Spring related.

  3. I love these seasonal posts, I love seasons, its so nice to have change like that. Your photos are so unique and the quotes are excellent, I love that Dickens quote, also that last one is hilarious.

    1. Thanks! Same. Trying to live in the seasons has done a lot for my mental health. Aw thanks, I get annoyed/bored with myself if I don't find the photos I take to be interesting so I'm glad other people find them interesting too. From some of the photos I've seen, you take some really neat ones too. Right! XD

  4. I love this. You and Skye are both so good with aesthetics.
    I love all the quotes, but my favorite is the last one.
    Happy first day of spring to you, too.

    1. She is! I take a lot of inspiration from the way she goes about things with aesthetics. Thanks! I try really hard to be. I'm terrible at making things physically so making blogposts that have little pieces (like photos, music and the like) is really the only way I know how to show the things I hyper-focus on (and sort of the why, I guess). So that's my long-winded way of simply saying 'Omygosh, thank you!' XD
      Same! I was hoping the contrast/slight shock factor would make people laugh. I made myself laugh. I can never take myself seriously for too long without tossing in something wildly different.
      You too!

  5. This is so lovely! The combination of the song with the pictures and quotes is stellar!

    1. Aw thanks! I had a lot of fun finding everything and trying to make it atmospheric
