Saturday 4 April 2020

Orange with Champagne Marmalade

Initially I was going to do a sort of photoshoot thing with things that have been keeping me sane. I'd been looking forward to it all week. Then my photoshoot of keeping sane made me lose my mind trying to put it together. Everything went wrong and I ended up having an existential crisis and crying while painting coffee filters on the floor. You know, as you do.

So instead of doing that I'm going to talk about something else entirely.

I didn't know Orange with Champagne Marmalade was something that existed until I found it in our fridge yesterday. I got unbelievably excited and went around the house telling my whole family about it.

Essentially their reaction

I don't know what else I was expecting reaction wise. Anyways, it tastes exactly how it sounds but without any bitter alcoholic aftertaste. It has completely changed my life.