Friday 10 April 2020

Umbrellas and Rain

Sometimes you just need to sit outside at night. Or lay on the wet ground to take photos underneath umbrellas and smell the rain. I don't know if anyone else needs this but I know I did.

Quick note: I really wanted to do a shot underneath the umbrella and see the glittering rain lit up by a street light and my mom suggested that I use our big umbrella. Which she proceeded to open up too far and then couldn't fix it. So I took pictures of that, with the help of a sister, instead. So if any of the photos look odd that's probably why. We were able to fix the umbrella afterwards. It was all rather entertaining.


  1. AHHH! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Especially the third picture. I like how magical they all look!

    1. Aww thanks! SAME!!! This was my exact reaction to doing the photoshoot XD Everyone as always thought I was out of my mind but it all looked so magical I didn't care, I needed to capture it.
