Wednesday 16 June 2021

A Spontaneous Post For A Couple Internet Comments That Made Me Happy

I had put A Cinderella Story on (for the first time in months) and short story shorter I read this comment on Dodie's Build A Problem- Complete Visual Album while I was watching it and the sheer joy I felt over the coincidence was incredible.

I was looking up Ready or Not on my local libraries website and I started looking at the reviews/comments on it. Most of the comments were the usual 'great movie, liked it, hated it...' that kind of thing. And then I found possibly my favourite comment ever. I have no idea why someone wrote it, why it's even here specifically, or anything, but I love it an inordinate amount.

Also keep in mind, Ready or Not is a Horror/Comedy in which the main character, Grace, gets married to a son of a big generational gaming family that got their wealth/power through incredibly nefarious means. Whenever someone new joins the family they have to pick a card from this deck to see what game they're going to play. It's sort of an initiation thing. Anyways Grace picks up the one bad card, 'Hide and Seek,' which means the family tries to kill her before dawn. What this library comment has to do with the movie I have no idea.

Boy Howdy do I have a story for you! I was out in the woods around 5 in the afternoon, cause it would be too dark if it was five in the morning in these particular woods, hiking around and I found somethin'. I found me a leprechaun. he had a furry had and was ridin' a horse and was swingin' his sword left and right through the air. Now I thought to myself I have got to get a picture of this but wouldn't you know it all I had on me was an a4 pencil and some damn fine construction paper. So I sat myself down one a nearby log and got to sketchin'. The leprechaun had not yet noticed me as I put pencil to paper. The look in his eyes belayed how much he truly cared for this god forsaken world, which was made readily apparent to me that he did not care for it at all. Soon the wind started to pick up and a low symphony of noises from the fauna that surrounded me broke the silence. That's when I knew I had found that greatest subject to draw in my life. I started to move my hand faster and faster as I created shades and cross-hatches across the page. NO-one would hold me back from creating my masterpiece. soon the blood was pumping, I could feel it run through me, carrying my will and my faith. The lines were being formed, the curves were breathed to life. I felt Dada and Buonaretti speak to me! I god damn-it my lead broke!

- (Theoretical_Onsie, 5 stars)

Also random, but does anyone happen to know what kind of bird (baby bird I guess) this is?

I found it while I was grabbing the mail a couple days ago. It's wing was injured and we did what we could for it but sadly it didn't make it overnight. It was adorable though and I'm curious what kind it was.


  1. Love random coincidence type things like that. That reviewer just needs to write a book. XD
    That bird was so cute!

    1. Same, they're the best. Right! I didn't realize I wanted a story of somebody sketching a leprechaun but here we are.
      It was!

  2. Its funny how internet comments can sometimes start me off on a rabbit trail.

    1. Honestly though. The rabbit trails can be the weirdest and best things ever sometimes.

  3. Wow, those are definitely some....interesting comments.
    That bird was so cute! I have no idea what type of bird it is, though.

    1. I know XD I didn't know that somebody's 'story' about sketching a leprechaun in the woods was something I wanted.
      It was!
