Wednesday 23 December 2020

London Fog Recipe

I tried a London Fog from Tim Hortons and it was really good. I found a London Fog recipe (Original London Fog Recipe) I liked and I've made it quite a few times now. Essentially a London Fog just tastes like a really good cup of Earl Grey Tea. It's worth it though, and it tastes better the longer you let the tea bag steep in it so I usually just leave it in.

1 c. Strong Earl Grey tea (the recipe said to let it steep for at least 3 minutes)

1/2 c. scalded milk (the recipe said that any milk is fine)

1 Tbsp sugar (to taste) 

1/4 tsp vanilla

Mix it together. 


  1. Ooh, this sounds tasty. I'm not a huge tea person, but I like Earl Grey, so I'll have to try it sometime.

    1. It is! I wasn't a huge tea person either but the last couple years I've been drinking it a lot. You should! If you like Earl Grey you'll like this.
