Why did you start blogging, and why have you kept blogging?
Mostly because I don't know when to shut up about the things that interest me. Another reason was that a blog gave some of the things I wanted to do a point, especially where photos were concerned, otherwise they just sit forgotten about on my computer. It's also just nice to have a sort of personal record, time tends to blur together.
The reason why I have continued is that I still don't know when to shut up, and all the other previously stated reasons still apply. And for some reason you guys seem to care about it, which is much appreciated. I tend to not take my blog very seriously so it's nice to have the freedom to do whatever I want for the most part and people still seem to like it.
What is your favorite type of blog post to write?
I have a lot of fun with the slightly photoshoot based ones. Especially if I pair a song with it. Or when I just talk about my thoughts on a movie, show, or whatever.
What are your top three favorite blog posts?
This one is hard, I have a few favourite posts of so my answers keeping changing
Wishing on Sunflowers
Summer in a day/A Pretentious Picnic in the Woods
A Madcap End To October
What are some of your favorite things to do to relax?
Watch movies, Youtube, listen to music, read a book outside or wherever really, scroll Pinterest, sit and watch the rain, look at the stars...
What are three of your favorite things?
Food, movies, music, and petrichor (the smell that happens after it rains)
I know that's four things but I honestly couldn't figure out which one to cut. I didn't even mention books but that felt like it went without saying.
Three less obvious things include: characters covered in blood, guyliner, and sparklers
What are your proudest blogging moments?
There's a few things, sometimes it's when a post turns out, sometimes it's when I don't know how to do something like find the font size button and then a few posts later you can see I figured it out, it's also been cool to see other people care about the randomness that is my blog. There's quite a few other things too.
This one is oddly specific but the 'Madcap End To October' post that I did, I didn't have anything to make 'eyes' for the ghost, like sunglasses. But for some accidental reason, one of the photos makes it sort of look like it has eyes. I'm still oddly proud of that.
What are your hobbies outside of blogging?
Writing, photograghy, reading...There's so many hobbies I would love to do it's actually a little overwhelming. I recently discovered a kind of photography called Scanography so at some point when I figure out how the printer scanner works, I'm going to stick my face in the printer and see how it turns out. I may or may not keep you posted on how that goes.
Describe your personality in three words.
Obsessive, Cautious, and Chaotic
What are your top three pet peeves?
I'm not particularly a huge fan of surprises. Some surprises are totally fine but I usually prefer to know what is going on. Surprises that require me to be prepared in some way stress me out.
Used tea bags or cloths left in the bottom of the sink. They get really gross really fast.
The fact that if I don't wash my hair every day it looks super greasy and thin. It's the worst.
What's something your followers don't know about you?
For a portion of time I would sometimes help my dad shovel manure at a horse rescue place and there was this rooster there that everyone hated. There were instructions on how to deal with the rooster if it came to attack you but the instructions basically boiled down to 'do whatever you can to survive, we won't judge but the owner might'. It was an interesting instruction to be told.
To give my brief introduction to this rooster.
One time the rooster (that was known to attack pretty much anything that looked at it too long) sized me up as I pointed a large shovel at it and was fully prepared to bash this rooster into next Wednesday if it decided to claw my eyes out. The rooster ended up just walking away. Keep in mind, this rooster took it as a personal challenge to attack anything bigger than it, which to be fair, made it very good at its job. You know you look non-threatening when you have a large shovel, murderous intent in your eyes and a notorious rooster just walks away from you. Although maybe it was in a forgiving mood, I tried my best to avoid it after just in case. I may be stupid but I'm not an idiot, this rooster made a vegetarian start to eat chicken again.
I've never met someone that claims to be vegetarian but has grown to hate a animal so much she now eats it and stills considers herself to be vegetarian. I don't think that's how that works but that's what she told me. I forget the lady's name but she'd told me at the time that it was currently the 'Year of the Rooster' but that the year was fast coming to an end and then that rooster better watch out. The lady seemed a bit eccentric herself so I feel like the show-down would have been rather epic had it ever happened.
I just picture it going something like this
![]() |
Rooster? What Rooster? I don't know what you're talking about. |
The lady said it all as a joke, but she'd clearly thought a lot about it.
I also started blogging because I can’t shut up. XD
ReplyDeleteYes to blood covered characters and guyliner.
I love that the rooster had such a notorious reputation.
It's a good reason XD
DeleteRight! It's so good
There's something funny to me about a group of people that care about animals all bonding over their mutual hatred of a rooster
"Mostly because I don't know when to shut up about the things that interest me." <<Yep, same. XD
ReplyDeleteAhh, petrichor. Gotta love it!
(Also, okay, this is hilarious--"Praecepta" is Latin for "rules", so that's just what I put for all the rules of tags that I do on my blog, even if originally the title for the rules was just "Rules"--because I'm a Latin nerd. Probably should have a disclaimer that you don't have to use the term 'praecepta' if I tag you. XD XD)
XD Glad I'm not the only one. I can talk a lot.
Oh! That makes sense, I'll have to remember that. That's really cool though actually!
Love the GIFs! I'm yet another person who started blogging because I can't shut up about the things I like.
ReplyDeleteI personally think that roosters are just really nasty (at least all of the ones I've met have been). One of my neighbors had one and he was horrible.
Thank you so much for nominating me. I think I might have already done this, but thank you anyway.
Thanks! XD I love that we all seem to share that problem.
DeleteThey are! And they crow all the time, the cartoons lie.
No problem! Oh did you? Sorry about that.
I might be a lil' late but this is great! So funny and I loved the gifs lol. Thank you so much for nominating me! I'm so excited to get on it!
ReplyDeleteThanks! And never worry about being late, I honestly don't care how old the posts are that people comment on, I just find comments to be fun. But also feel free do do whatever you want be that to comment or not to comment.
DeleteNo problem! I'm excited to read it if/when you do it.
HA. "Not knowing when to shut up about the things that interest me." I relate. Seems like a pretty valid reason to start blogging to me. :)
ReplyDeleteYour rooster story cracked me up. I've kept chickens before and have always had a love-hate relationship with feisty roosters. On the one hand, they're adorable. On the other hand, they're really scary.
I don't know how I missed that you had a blog but I'm terribly glad to have found it!
Exactly. Cheers to being part of the 'I don't know when to shut up' club :)
DeleteRoosters are so weird.
Ironically I only stumbled across your blog from Samantha's blog yesterday as well. Glad to have you and I'm glad I found you too!