Thursday 25 February 2021

Behind The Blogger Tag

I sort of stole this from McKayla's blog (thanks btw!) and it looked like fun. I've tried making several posts this month but I'd end up not liking them so I just didn't finish them, so I thought this could be a quick (but fun) one to ease myself back into doing other posts.

The Rules
Thank the person who nominated you 
Answer the questions
Ping back to the creator Ellyn

Nominate 5+ bloggers to do the tags 
(I'm bad at tagging so whoever wants to can do it)

What's your favorite primary color?

Depends what it's for I guess. If we're talking about clothes deep red maybe? Blue is a common one for me though and Emma really started me on a yellow thing at one point, although sadly I can't seem to pull of wearing it.


Clothes aside, the possibilities are endless.

Favorite card/board game?

Favourite board game would be Clue and possibly Othello 

I played Dutch Blitz with some of Skye's family for my birthday and it's amazing. They get very invested and it's incredibly entertaining. 

What's your Patronus?

Currently I haven't read/watched Harry Potter (with the exception of one movie I don't remember very well, but I've been meaning to read/watch both things for quite a long time now.) Long story short I took a Buzzfeed Quiz and I answered the best I could. Sadly, I'm not quite sure what most of the things are. 
According to Buzzfeed my Patronus is a cat

Who's your favorite actor or actress who was most famous in another era? Why do you like him/her?

Ooh...this is a tough one. For older Hollywood possibly Ray Milland (I don't know anything about him so I'm hesitant to choose him). It's been a long time since I've seen a movie he's in, I just remember being excited because he seemed so different from what I'd been used to at the time. Up until then I'd pretty much only seen the 'John Wayne' type of guys in the (admittedly few) older ones I'd seen at the time and I was bored with them. One movie of his I like is Doctor Takes a Wife (1940).  

I haven't seen anything she's in but Thelma Todd sounded like an interesting character and I would have liked to meet her. It's sad how she died and we don't even know for sure who killed her.

If you have siblings, which of them annoys you the most [or has been successful in annoying you the most in the past]?

Depends on the thing. 
One of my siblings is two so you can imagine the kind of stress I'm under

What's one talent that you'd like to have?

I wish I could do art. I know that's something that comes with practice but I don't take the time to work on it.

Also be able to sing like Eva Noblezada 
(on the related note that brings me to an unrelated Hadestown side-bar, I found out that Orpheus (in mythology) was on a ship next to some sirens that started singing. The crew started falling under the siren's spell but Orpheus started singing and flipping beat out sirens (plural might I add) and got everyone out safely. That's quite the singing competition)

Thoughts on WandaVision?

I love it! I love the old 50s sitcom style, the different eras, the edge it has to it because something will go just slightly wrong... In the words of Skye, 'just let Wanda live happily with her toaster, that's all we ask. She might not be coping well, but she's happy.' Obviously it can't last but I'm enjoying it while it does. I also appreciate that this show feels like the people are just having fun with it.

Also Darcy is back!! Love her, I don't know why they stopped using her for so long.

What color is your phone case?

I don't currently have a phone.

If given the opportunity, would you be up for some time traveling?

100% Yes!! So many things I'd like to do. Nothing super historically important exactly, there's just some people I would love to meet, some places I'd like to see. Diana Wynne Jones and Dodie Smith are two authors I would love to meet in person so in case anyone has a time machine stuffed in the back of their closet, I have a list.

What's your ultimate comfort show?

There's a lot...Derry Girls. It makes me happy.

Also Gilmore Girls and one comfort movie is Penelope (2006) 

Are there any covers of songs that you prefer to the original [Gleeks, you have your work cut out for you]?

I have a very surface level knowledge of music. If it comes up on my side suggestions on Youtube I might play it to see if I like it, I'll hear a song somewhere else, etc. Currently I can't think of anything but I know I do have some 


  1. Glad you enjoyed the Dutch Blitz games, we always been ridiculously competitive as a family. XD
    Singing like Eva Noblezada is the dream!

    1. I do! My family is boring during games, and they need to step it up a notch XD

  2. Great answers. Loved reading this, and glad you had fun doing it. Great GIF usage, too.
    Clue is fantastic. My family gets SUPER competitive with board games. And someone will inevitably make up a new rule, so it always gets kind of crazy.
    Being able to sing like Eva Noblezada would be AMAZING.
    WandaVision is fantastic! Also, yes, Darcy! She was possibly my favorite part of the first two Thor movies, so I'm glad she's back.
    Comfort shows are the best. My main one is Glee, which I've re-watched a lot (but that's what comfort shows are for, right?).

    1. Thanks!
      It is! Love that XD
      Right! She's fantastic.
      Agreed. Comfort shows are made to be re-watched endless time

  3. Dutch Blitz! Dutch Blitz is a whole lot of fun. (We actually don't play it very often because we all get so invested that it's not a good recipe for family harmony. XD)

    Ahh I wish I could do art, too. I can do some kinds, but not nearly as well as I would like.

    1. It is! My family doesn't play it very often either. Mostly because my siblings get into the games and lose all the pieces/cards.

      Right! I can't do any really so I'm really hoping to change that at some point.

  4. My family is competitive with games. I don't think we've played it or own it though.

    Surface level is a nice way of putting my music knowledge as well.

    1. Competitively fun family games are always great.

      There's just so much music out there, it's hard not to end up with a surface level knowledge. I have a lot of respect for the people that do know a lot.
