Wednesday 9 March 2022

Assumptions/General Whatnot Requests By Any Memes Necessary

McKayla did an assumptions post a bit ago and now I'm going to attempt it because hers was fun and because why not.
This post is really just for my own curiosity. Do you have assumptions about me? Things you associate with me or the blog? What made you follow this blog? If I was a song, a pinterest pin, how would you describe me if you were an author, if I were a book/movie what would you choose? (Does rambling suggestions make this any easier?)
You really never know how you come across to people.

And if you'd like, feel free to ask questions. This post is open to all serious, ridiculous, and needlessly specific responses. 
I'm genuinely curious. I've just always felt (and still do to be honest) weird asking people what I look like to them personality wise but this is me attempting. It's really more about the blog than me. There's always a level of face value, grain of salt, you take on the internet so feel free to answer, or feel free to not answer.
Oh to be known on the internet. The glorious sarcastic irony of it.

But seriously though, should you decide to, I'd love to see what you'd come up with.



  1. 1. Your favorite colors are red and orange.
    2. Your favorite holiday is Halloween.
    3. You enjoy scary books and movies.
    4. You want to be a published author.
    5. You enjoy doing make up.
    6. Your aesthetic would either be Dark Academia or Cottage core.
    7. You like vintage things.

    1. Honestly this whole list is fantastic, thank you! I'm excited to give my probably predictable answers for them XD

  2. Ooh, this looks fun.
    Here are my assumptions:
    You love foggy, cloudy and rainy weather.
    Your favorite genres are fantasy, romance and historical fiction.
    You like cats.
    You like dark colors and pastel colors.
    You're a very artistic, creative person.
    Your favorite seasons are fall and winter.

    1. Love the list! I honestly can't wait to tell you if you're right or not XD
