Sunday, 16 July 2023

Rogue artist and a plot twist, part 2


As previously mentioned, I was going to leave another note asking where he had left other paintings as well as a few other questions. 

This note was a success. R. Duncan, local city worker cryptid and leaver of paintings in the woods, has become a phone contact. With (obvious) caution, I asked a few questions. Some updates on the artist I'll keep private, since they don't know me and I don't know them, another thing is that I now own the painting that was in my woods (still think this whole set-up was hilarious. I stumbled across a sort-off parks and rec episode happening in the distance and I had no idea.)

So he told me a couple locations where he had left paintings. I tried going to the first spot, but since the location he gave was a little vague/didn't exactly match his description, we're not sure we were at the right location. So here's take one on an on-going hunt for paintings. 

Saw a few things. A deer, a squirrel, several birds, construction. No paintings though.

The hunt is ongoing. I may have not have found anything yet, but here's the backside of a water and sewer building for those as invested in this as I am. To riveting content and the people that follow this blog for said riveting content. Here ya go.

Sunday, 2 July 2023

Rogue artist and a plot twist

So I'm not sure how noticeable this has been on my blog, but there's a trail that I use a lot. For photos, just walking in, whatever. This trail has gone through several little phases and I can pretty much safely say that I've been there since it's almost beginning. From the afterthought of a footpath that it originally was, to the more established one it's starting to look like. Basically I'm proving my right to have claimed this tiny little, public path as my own. Obviously, this patch of woods is mine. Has been for some time.

Anyway, starting a few weeks ago, someone left a painting on this trail. No note. Nothing. Just a painting. 

I speculated. Called for bets to be placed on who did this.

About a week ago I left a note saying basically, 'Love the painting, but curious why you've left it out there. Are you advertising, selling it, or just decorating the woods?' type thing.

Kept checking. 

Day 1: Left a note.

Day 2: Note was gone.

Day 3: Realized the painting was wet. Painting was completely unharmed. But heart attack inducing discovery for a moment. Thought at the time that maybe the artist that left it here had maybe done a touch up job. Based on the information I know now, this was probably just due to the weather.

Day 4-something days: No response. Painting did move from it's original spot once but that's about it news wise.

Day Yesterday: Got a response. Badly redacted for obvious reasons. But this whole thing is a plot twist I could have never seen coming.

For clarification it says:

Glad you like it. The artist will be happy too. He's a guy I work with named Conner. Although he may not be happy that I put the painting he gave me in the forest. It looks good here though. There are several stations throughout the city where I've placed his paintings. We both work for the City (redacted) in Water and Sewer.

Like who would have guessed that?

Anyway. I am planning on leaving another note asking where the other paintings are because I am unhinged and need to know this information. So maybe this will get an update. Maybe it won't. Who can even say?

The things I find on this unassuming little path...
Be it bears or supportive City workers and their artistic friends