Monday 4 October 2021

The Sunshine Blogger Award



Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog. (Thanks Samantha!, I really needed something like this)
Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

I've been super busy lately so I've sort of fallen of blogging, commenting, and doing pretty much everything, so this was a perfect tag to pop back in with.

1. What is the movie that you've watched that gave you the most emotions? (You can interpret this either as number or intensity. ;))

Currently it's La La Land. I rewatched it recently and it doesn't matter how many times I see it, this movie makes me so incredibly happy, also sad, but I could talk for quite a long time about it.

Phantom of the Opera 2011 at the Royal Albert Hall

It doesn't make any sense if you haven't seen this version of Phantom or La La Land but god, I want to talk about the head nod at the end of both of these movies...akjafjfk

As far as what movie has stuck with me for the longest amount of time I'll be honest it's probably Edward Scissorhands and Lilo and Stitch 1&2. It's actually sad how much I love these movies.

2. What was the first book that you fell intensely in love with?

Rules of the Road/Hope Was Here- Joan Bauer, The Sherwood Ring- Elizabeth Marie Pope, The Raven Cycle and Six of Crows. I fell in love with Kaz the moment he let someone on his own team get shot and then he walked over him. That scene was such a moment for me. Apparently nothing gets my attention like violence.
Edit: *comes shrieking back like a manic banshee* I take it back. I had a collection of the memoirs and adventures of Sherlock Holmes and it stole my 8-ish year old heart. I'll be perfectly honest not knowing that Sherlock Holmes does canonically return (for literal years, because I'm an ignorant idiot), I don't think I've ever cried over a book more than I did when Sherlock Holmes fell down Reichenbach Falls. 

3. What is your least favorite question to be asked, and why?

There's so many...anything involving things that would cause arguments. The taboo thanksgiving topics if you will, politics, kids, what are you doing with your life ones, you know the kind. 

A new one is 'Are you alone?' or anything that is a variation of that question. I don't care who asks it, it's terrifying. 

4. What is your favorite smell? (or some of your favorites, if it's too hard to narrow it down to one)

Petrichor, coffee, vanilla, champagne and apple scented things, gasoline, sawdust, grape hubba bubba makes me incredibly nostalgic, whatever the smell of workshops and machinery is...I could keep going.

5. What's your favorite season?

Take a wild guess XD 
But seriously though,  it's Autumn hands down. I wish I could put into words what fall does to me. 

6. Is there a book that you recommend to absolutely everyone, and if so, what is it?

It really depends on the person but I have given a few people copies of Howl's Moving Castle so that one has probably been most frequent.

7. What is the craziest thing you've ever done? 

Umm...I did an ultimate frisbee game in youth group once but instead of a frisbee the youth group leader/pastor bought a bunch of dead squid. Surprisingly fun actually. Disgusting, but fun.

8. What's your favorite superhero movie, and why?

Zoom (2006) and no, I don't take criticism on that, I know what I said. XD 
It's really hard to find good GIFs for this movie, but know there's a dysfunctional found family dynamic, grumpy dad dynamic, taking a ufo through a Wendy's drive through, what more could you want? Maybe I'm just biased because I grew up with this movie, but I don't care. It's underrated and it needs more appreciation. It's my campy trash and the stupid hill that I will die on.
Behold the crappy trailer

I'll admit, I feel a little burnt-out over superheroes. It's not that I don't like them, I definitely do, it's just so big now. That being said I do have quite a few. One being Birds of Prey, I know it's not exactly a super-'hero' movie, but sue me. I love it. There's a lot of really good superhero movies though it's hard to choose.

9. Do you go to the library often, and if so, how do you tend to choose books when you browse?

I do go to the library fairly frequently actually although I don't usually have long to browse. Titles and covers to be honest are the first things that catch my attention. Then I tend to read the back and flip through pages and read the opening lines.

10. What is your favorite position and place to read in (e.g. sitting in bed, lying on the couch, &c.)?

I really love reading on our wicker couch on our front porch. Having neighbours walking around sucks, but I love it there. So my favorite way to read is probably laying/sitting on the couch.

11. If your house was burning down and you could save three of your books, which three would you save, and why? (excluding the Bible. We'll assume that one of your parents saved the Bibles.)

Oof... there are some books I have that while I adore them, they're easy to replace because they're literally everywhere. It doesn't make this question pain me any less though.
I have a copy of Howl's Moving Castle that I've kept with me in my purse for years. It's gone everywhere with me. 
All the Crooked Saints- Maggie Steifvater 
I Capture the Castle-Dodie Smith? Ooh, actually We Have Always Lived In The Castle has a big house-fire in it. Keeping it in theme.
The almost dictionary dimensioned copy of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell-Susanna Clarke I have
My copy of Something Wicked This Way Comes- Ray Bradbury
Reflections on Writing- Diana Wynne Jones is very important.
My Encyclopedia of Faeries book would be difficult to replace so that one might actually be one of the first I'd save.

I can't narrow it down so probably any variation of this list for whatever reason. There's so many more I'd want to take though.

Edit: I completely forgot to ask new questions. So I might put something in later.


  1. I'm so glad this tag came at a good time! I enjoyed seeing your answers! :)

    "Apparently nothing gets my attention like violence" << XD XD XD Fair enough.

    "Are you alone?" does sound like a terrifying question to be asked, dang.

    Sawdusssssst SUCH a good smell

    Autumn is also my favorite season, by a landslide. :)

    HMC is a good book to recommend to everyone, I do believe.

    Ultimate. Frisbee. With. Squid. O.O

    Zoom looks like a really fun movie, actually!

    1. It did! I really appreciated it. oh good!

      XD Right.

      No kidding, I've been asked it 2 or 3 times now and it never gets less terrifying. I don't think the people asking mean it to be creepy but it is.


      Autumn is so good!!!!


      XD Yep

      It is! I definitely recommend it. If you ever get around to watching it I'd love to hear what you think regardless of what you end up thinking of it. It's a 2000's movies so it has weird CGI, some gross moments (like snot bubble superpowers briefly), and bits of humour that are a little dated, but it's so fun and campy, I stand by it.

  2. Is that the 25th or 50th or whatever anniversary version of the Phantom of the Opera, if so that is the version I was obsessed with and have the sound track for.

    Whoever is asking, "are you alone" is either a creepy or a ditz. Good grief. Also, its soooo fuuuuun, to be asked what I'm doing with my life. Doesn't at all make me feel like a useless young person answering to an adult.

    I think I'm going to have to watch zoom, I need something fluffy.

    Also, I don't know if you have Hulu or not, but I'm watching the short series Only Murder in the Apartment (it's TV MA, mostly for language because the violence wasn't too bad for my lily-livered self, granted I did cover up the screen a bit). Its hilarious and absorbing. I have a hangover from it and can't wait for the last too episodes.

    1. 25th Anniversary with Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, and Hadley Fraser. It's such a good version right!! They put everything into those roles and it never fails to make me feel emotional.

      Pretty much. XD glad it goes much better for you. My answer of being the weird old lady on the street that everyone has weird almost folkloric stories about never seems to be taken as a valid answer.

      You should! I'd love to here what you think of it. It's definitley one of those feel-good campy movies that I've always loved. Have you ever seen What A Way To Go (1964)?

      I don't, but I definitely appreciate the recommendation, thanks! I'm going to try keep an eye out for it if I ever get the chance or find it somewhere else. I always love the ones that give you a weird sort of hangover.

  3. Wow, ultimate frisbee with squid? That's.... different.
    "Are you alone?" Who on Earth would ask something like that?
    Zoom looks really fun! I need to get around to seeing it.

    1. That was my reaction too at the time XD
      Right! Retail questions that come up.
      It is! I think you'd like it. I think the most important thing people should know is that it's not a well done movie, but I love it. It's my trash.

  4. "Are you alone?" Is such a creepy question I agree, I mean if someone asked that I would either think they were going to do something to me or were watching me.

    Also vanilla is such a good smell. :)

    1. Same. Also because I feel like the answer is usually so obvious I wonder why they felt prompted to even address it.

      It is!

  5. Ultimate frisbee with squid. XD
    Will always love that version of Phantom of the Opera.

  6. Lilo and Stitch is so underrated. I've not heard of "Reflections on Writing"but I like Diana Wynne Jones so will have to look out or that one!

    1. It is!! Personally it's one of my favourite Disney movies ever. You should! It's really good, especially if you like Diana Wynne Jones. It has life stories of hers, thoughts on writing, talking about some of her books, and whatnot
