Tuesday 3 August 2021

A Few July Highlights (Some Of Which Border Into August)

One day I will learn how to make shorter titles, but it is not this day. I'm writing these down because I will forget them and I'd rather not do that.

Saw 'The Imitation Game' (this movie did something to me. It's so good!! It has dark academic vibes if you're looking for that), Fleabag (made me emotional), Leap Year (so cute, Irish, and hilarious), Pan's Labyrinth (the essays that could be done about this movie), What a Way to Go (1964) (very campy. Gorgeous costumes. I liked it better the second time because of dumb personal reasons, but it's fantastic. It started my slight Edith Head obsession), Parasite (this movie is crazy), Ghibli movies (always stunning), there was a bunch of other movies too. 

Running straight towards swarms of bats with a phone camera after night swimming.

I jumped off a dock. (it was a few feet higher/taller? than me for context. I'm not great with heights so it felt like I proved something to myself.)

Finding Miley Cyrus's Plastic Hearts album. 

Lorde's back!

Aurora's 'Cure for Me' 

Conan Gray's 'People Watching

Cherry picking (for possibly the first time?).

Stayed in a hotel room and watched Devil Wears Prada and the second half of Juno while sort of babysitting. 

Found a basic recipe for Milk Tea, drank Peach Quenchers from Tim Hortons, and had a brown sugar oat milk espresso latte from Starbucks that was perfectly mixed and I'm still thinking about it. 

Realized that if you wrap gifts in brown paper and ribbons it looks incredibly aesthetic and it looks like you put more thought into it than you actually did. 

Found a yellow box that unlocked a deep childhood memory of a Blues Clues episode. I don't know why I'm so obsessed (and always have been apparently) with this box.

Not the best photo, but this is the general idea

Some low-hanging smoke underneath streetlights at night looks perfectly aesthetic and spooky.

Ran into a coyote with one of my younger siblings while walking on a park path that I walk on all the time. Thankfully it wasn't aggressive and it just walked into the woods. Obviously I know better than to try get close to a coyote but part of me realized I would be the idiot in a story that would follow the thing that I shouldn't into a magical woods.

FYI because I'm awful at finishing a post right the first time, this post may get updated several times.


  1. Sounds like you had a great month!
    Good job facing your fear with the dock.
    And not following a coyote into the woods XD

    1. I did!
      Thanks. It was fun and terrifying. There's nothing like voluntarily stepping off solid ground and then falling and screaming internally to prove a point to yourself.
      XD I appreciate that.

  2. Lots of "little" steps can be big to a person.

    You seemed like you had a great month.

    Peach quenchers sound yummy (actually peach anything sounds yummy).

    I like your long titles.

    I hate coyotes. Pretty sure I've only seen roadkill ones (good). They eat pets, one of my former coworkers had a nightmare story, and another had them going after her horse (horses!!!!). We used to hear them every night howling (pretty sure they got one of our cats all those years ago), and my family has seen them cross our yard in broad daylight.

    1. They really are. Sometimes the little steps can feel just as the bigger steps especially at first. I move incredibly slowly 'step-wise' so this felt like I'd been working up to this for a long time.

      I did! Emotionally I was in a bit of a tired funk (still sort of am, but that's my own fault) but then I'd have something that would pull me out of it for a bit.

      They are! I used to not be a big peach flavour fan (always loved peaches themselves though) but it's become such an important part of the seasons for me.

      Aw, I'm glad! I've always loved ridiculously long titles but writing them out other places can be a bit of a pain.

      That sounds terrifying. And horses are huge and can honestly be terrifying themselves if they want to be. Personally I've never had a bad experience with coyotes, but I know they can be really bad. We have a few packs here that run around and go in people's backyards sometimes so we always have to be careful if start hearing them howling a lot in the vicinity.

    2. Actually wait, we've lost a couple cats to coyotes which is sad. So there's been a couple bad experiences.

  3. The bat incident sounds really fun!

    Jumping off docks is always SO intimidating, but so fun once you actually do it!

    Ooh, I love cherry picking! Did you enjoy it?

    "Realized that if you wrap gifts in brown paper and ribbons it looks incredibly aesthetic and it looks like you put more thought into it than you actually did." <<Yep, yep, yep. Somehow I always forget this, though.

    1. It was! It was kind of hilarious. My siblings found them first and told me about it so my immediate first instinct was to run towards them while my mom proceeded to run the other way (which was probably the smarter move honestly)

      It is! Even though I've jumped off the dock twice and I feel like I proved to myself I can do it, I don't feel the particular need to go rushing to do it again anytime soon XD Glad I did it though.

      I did! I was a bit nervous initially because I wasn't sure what to expect but the trees were surprising short and there were tons of cherries within arm reach. It's feels very summery and now I'm left wondering why it took me so long to do it.

      I'm probably going to do the same, but at the moment I've been going ham with ribbons. It was one of my sister's birthday so I had a good excuse to go wild with it.

  4. It looks like your July was pretty good.
    Jumping off docks is so much fun (but also so scary at first. That's how so many things are for me. Scary, at first, but ends up being fun).

    1. It was actually!
      Oh I know, I did it, I had fun, but I still find it terrifying XD (also same)
