Sunday, 15 May 2022

honestea tag

 Nie created this and tagged me for it, (thanks btw!) I've been really excited to do this one. 

The Rules

no lies allowed. if an answer is too shameful to expose you may substitute the answer with a gif/image of someone drinking tea.
e. g. → 

 there are optional bonus additions to questions but these are not for the faint of heart. if you complete the tag having answered every question + the bonus additions (no gifs used), you are dubbed a certified tea chugger, and you deserve a badge to show the world that you are not afraid of a steaming hot cup of TRUTH. tag at least one other person (a tea party with just one is not very fun. trust me.) untagged persons are more than welcome to fill it out as well (nothing cooler than crashing a tea party). 


what is a 'bad' (generally disliked) movie that you actually love?

There's quite a few... The 4th Pirates Movie maybe. I rewatched that one recently and while it has it's problems I genuinely love it. 

what is your most shocking reading habit?

Stealing Nie's thing here a bit but I get so much food on my books. My memory is terrible but for some reason where I got that orange stain on page whats-it of whatever is clear as day.

tell us the number one lie you write in your posts.

As far as things I actually say, it's probably that I'll do something. Unless I do something right away, it's probably not going to happen.

tell us the worst character name you've ever thought up. {bonus: share a character name you find ridiculous in a book/movie}

I think a long time  ago I had a character named Gunner because there was going to be battles in this book. I vaguely remember thinking Stalker was a good name. There was a barn kitten I saw at one point with that name and I was like 'Stalker, like hunting which means guns, which means battle things which means absolutely nothing...' Pure brilliance. 

I'm blanking on specific examples at the moment but those fantasy name that have a lot of random letters or you really have no idea how to pronounce them. 

what is the real reason you procrastinate writing your work in progress?

It's because I made a deal with Rumpelstiltskin when I was little and now I can't use the letter 'Q' in words. It's truly made writing really difficult all these years. 

In reality it's the usual reasons, perfectionism, the fact Youtube exists...the list goes on...Also because I've never really finished a writing project, I'm not even sure how to stretch out a story properly so it makes the length of a novel. Thus, while I might have a vague idea of a plot, I don't really know how to write the story into the dimensions it needs to be in for the story to be functional if that makes any sense.

what is a genre of music you secretly love?

Wildly different songs being paired together. It must be stupid and the person singing must be wildly invested.

if you're a plotter, what do you really think of pansters? and if you're a panster, what do you really think of plotters?

I think plotters have a much better chance at actually writing something than I do. Although, I'm rather suspicious of plotters who are working on their 11th book in a planned series of (insert-a-rather-insane-number) that doesn't actually exist yet. That seems like too much planning. 

share at least three lines of dialogue from one of your first writing projects {bonus: give us the good stuff. your most gruesome butchering of the English language)

I would put more but I honestly don't remember most of what I've written. I've blocked out or deleted most of the bad stuff and for the most part I've only kept the bits I liked.

They both screamed as they stabbed each other.

If that doesn't explain my struggles at actually writing fight action sequences (or anything for that matter) I don't know what does.

tell us the title & artist of the last song you listened to. 

This one is hard to answer because it changes constantly. Honestly the very last song I listened to was Aisling Bea singing Mary had a little Lamb in the style of BeyoncĂ©'s Crazy in Love. (full warning there is a bit of swearing) it's amazing. Best rendition of either song that I've ever heard. 

which beloved book/movie character do you dislike & why?

Luke Skywalker. I actually really liked him in the Last Jedi and Mark Hamill himself is great, but aside from that I just find him so boring...yet a lot of people adore him. I just don't get it. He just doesn't have much discernible personality to me 

tell us the title & topic of a post you have left in draft. 

The McDonald's Monopoly Game Conspiracy 

and then there was going to be a link to a video of the same name. That's it, that was the whole post.

what is a book you pretend you've read/would like to read but know you never will? {bonus: share a time when claiming you've read a classic/well known book didn't end well}

1984 probably. I know what the story is and I feel absolutely no need to read it.

I don't think I've ever pretended to have not read a well known or classic book. That I can remember actually. 

For whatever reason, I've always been very against reading anything by Sir Walter Scott and I don't have a reason for that. I know practically nothing about him or his books except that one of his books is called Ivanhoe.

tell us the title & topic of the most embarrassing post you've ever written. {bonus: include. the. link.}

If the amounts of views that show up on blogger are accurate, I find it embarrassing that my most viewed post is 'A Request for Q&A Questions' 

It's a post of like 5 sentences of me saying 'please send questions, or don't if you want' and then there's a gif. I'll never be able to top how many views that post has. The actual post of me answering the questions doesn't have that many views XD 

I tag Quinley from Adventure Awaits, and whoever else that would want to do this tag.